Complete Affiliate Marketing Course 2022 | How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing in 2022

hi guys welcome to this brand new visual it's camillus here again so on today's video we are going to be looking at affiliate marketing so it's a complete course of affiliate marketing if you don't know what is affiliate marketing we have been hearing about affiliate marketing then this course is for you so do have to subscribe if you are new to this channel and make sure to turn on the bell notification icon so that each time you will drop a new video you will be notified and um if you didn't watch the previous video which was on freelancing the full cost of freelancing the video will be showing right up here so you can just click here and then you go and you watch the full video okay and then if you have any questions please you should leave it on the comment section of this video to get in touch with me physically or let's just say online you can check on this video my website will be showing on the screen and also in the description of this video please i want to follow that number in the comment section they check my other number in the description of this video so without any delay of time let's get into the video i'm very very happy today because what i've prepared for you guys today is so massive like it's beyond what you can imagine i know that yesterday after uh going through the freelancing class many of you are like okay i will start doing outside learning skills to see how i can also make money from freelancing and so on don't bother today is athlete marketing and it's beyond what you can imagine what you were imagining yes my former students know that i i always teach well but this five days lesson is beyond what anybody could imagine because i have put in all of my best since yesterday i haven't slept till now and the whole of today i was working i had to go to the hospital just to take medications because i am stressing too much and the truth is that i came back and i prepared for the outline which i will be sending to the group at the end of the class it is really really powerful and i believe at the end of the class is going to help a lot of a lot of you guys in here to really choose a few that you want i like we would like to be a freelancer or we like to be an athlete marketer or a forex trader cryptocurrency that one nfc trader so tomorrow we'll be looking at forex cryptocurrency and nfc okay so those somebody like uh like blessing blessing sunday who already has a digital skill sorry nfc is the field where we are going to make a lot of money with it tomorrow i'll be showing you how you can turn 50 000 francs to 1 million cfa francs wouldn't want money is that okay all right i want us to get to okay handsome is joining all right please on your camera let me see your face now be proud of where you are you shouldn't be ashamed before where you are let me see your faces please hey who's lean on your camera that's on your camera um tracy on your camera i want to see your face be part of where you are if your environment doesn't look good be part of it because that's not it that's not your ending point in life okay you are here because you are going to be better small you are here because you are going to get knowledge that is going to better you up tomorrow so one thing is that even if you are in what kind of environment you should be part of it all right like one thing like you heard my story two three four years ago or five years ago i never knew that i would be here someday standing in front of you teaching and smiling and things change guys so you should be proud you should be happy you shouldn't be like no people will see that this is where i'm living this is the place and so on and so what nothing will change the truth is that if your mindset is changed you just need better what we call time if you have time this thing called watch if you have time know that you are going to change that's the only thing the only difference between you and the you you want to be tomorrow is time that point should be very very clear and noted in your head so i think we are we are about 16 at least let us get to 20.

We are 18 the good old gets to at least 20. so that we can we can um persist wow young would not do what's happening i'm seeing that you're feeling the heat so before we begin i would like to hear your own uh their own thinking how did you go through the class of youtube like how was the class of hdd i would like to hear your own opinions that are shared before we really go to the classification properly how was the class of history who should receive the mic uh winner you can tell us how was the class of history i'm sure you went through the course of history so on your mic is on at least share with us what did you got from the class of youth today okay at least today you're happy right all right i'm happy that you guys are giving value because what i can do is that being selfish with knowledge is not really good at least i'm creating awareness for you all to be aware and for you all to know that there are other things that you can do to make good amount of money like we saw is that people making two three million who didn't want two days on the same internet that you have data every day and you don't know because the highest thing we combines we do what we mean here we do is that we go to facebook we go to tick tock for the ladies we're going to snap that to the ladies and then we go to instagram for those who want to look at lifestyle and so on we watch fun time we laugh and then the day passes and so on the next day we go back to we go back to bed in the morning we get up we check our phone as any of our friend text us on our zap and so on guys that is not how life's supposed to be your future is going to determine one thing it is either going to hurt you or is going to please you because the smallest motivations that you are taking today or things that you are doing today is affecting your destiny is affecting your next to come life which is in the next 5-10 years from today because if i believe all of you here above 20 well let's see in your 3s the next 10 years you should be almost at your texas and 30s and above so you now see that you are already living out of the youthful age and this is the time where you cannot put in your energies to see into with that you really really maximize your earnings and then you make huge amount of money now for those who are unable to join the class because of network or whatsoever for me i'm using a range it's good that if you are working online you should have all these links orange cantel um mcn nextel so for me most most of the one that works best is uh always and counter you can also add yumi depending on your locality so nevertheless we'll just dive into the class and um what i've prepared for you guys today it's really massive so i'm going to share my screen so that you can be seen you can be seeing everything so let's come here i'm happy you all have meet your self i'm happy that you all have muted yourself if you haven't done that please meet yourself and i hope you all can also hear me very well and clearly i hope you can hear me well and clearly let somebody respond all right all right all right so welcome to day two again like i earlier said on today's lesson we are going to be looking at the topic athlete marketing and i hope you can also see my screen so we were looking at what we what is called affiliate marketing so what is athlete marketing so we are going to be looking at what is affiliate marketing and how to make money offline marketing so let me just walk you guys through the outline of today so we are going to be looking at what is athlete marketing introduction to athletes marketing types of athletes marketing which is cpa marketing and affiliate marketing types of types of athletes commissions ones which are ones and then recording commissions then we will visit our websites to learn more best athletes programs to join high ticket affiliate programs to consider and then how much can you make promoting affiliate products or programs then what are cookies you'll be seeing that differences between affiliate marketing and network marketing what is an affiliate network uh we are going to look at the different athletes networks that we have which these are them digital royal police and the west and then we go down there many more but we are going to talk about a few now what is an athlete's program best athletes network to promote products from please please please media media mike with your mic when you join us please meet your mic is that okay please meet them when you join us and then the next one is going to be best athlete programs to register on the next one is going to be how to promote your athletes links we are going to be looking at this and then best sites to promote your athletes commission sorry to promote your affiliate products it wasn't supposed to be commissioned all right so that is typing error all right all right athlete products so we will we will reach you why you should always let me be adding these people because i don't want somebody to stay behind uh how to disclose your affiliations why you should always disclose your affiliate links very important and then we finalize for the day so hopefully we are 33 minutes gone into our class we have one hour uh one hour 27 minutes left for this class so i'm going to take things a little bit fast so that we can start with our time now the first thing we'll be beginning with is affiliate marketing what is athlete please meet your mic media mike when you join the class with your mic so the first thing we would looking at i would like for us to go into my pc let's go into my pc and then go to downloads okay so this is a simple walkthrough of what an athlete's marketing looks like is that okay so let me try saving this anyway all right let me add this to okay so affiliate links shown to customers but first you have you have what we call affiliate programs but for a simple person to understand like for us tamboyance in our local understanding athletes marketing is just you promoting somebody's product and then being paid a certain percentage of profits from each sales that you you make let me take for example suppose i am selling my watch today the watch i'm putting on suppose i'm selling my wash today and i don't want to stress myself instead of this watch and i have like let me see 10 of those watches and now if i sell those watches i'll be making like let me just see five five thousand francs each which is about let's see that is about um ten ten dollars each and now i said that okay i don't have the time to look opposed to buy this watch but if you come and you register with me and you help me to sell this product to anybody online or physically you are going to be receiving tv dollars which is about two thousand two thousand or one thousand five hundred funds from each of those series that we are going to be making and this is a simple road map here like this now the first thing you will see here is customers click on your affiliate links like affiliate links shown to customers this is the first part here customers will see your affiliate link the next one is they will click on it on your affiliate links now they will be sent to the website or to the size of that particular product and then customers makes a purchase on methane sites let me remove let me shift this mixed input and maintain sites and lines which is uh recorded now now when these purchases are recorded what happens next is that the method credit affiliates you are not the athlete so when you sign up with an athlete platform you will now become and now become an athlete so affiliate simply means uh how can i put it i'm trying to look at the simplest thing i can use to give it to you anyway athletes in layman's understanding simply means somebody who is just there to help somebody celsius who talk like a medium man all right you're an athlete means you're like a middleman that is linking a producer a producer and a buyer the next thing here you will not repeat commissions to be paid out to athletes then the customers get the item as easy as that so that is what i wanted you all to see about this and then if we go to let me also use another scenario to better explain again let us use our jump box here okay okay so in a simple layman's understanding let me suppose this is a company here ah my join is here all right let me suppose this is a company here like this and this company has products that they want to say and this is us here we are athletes we are like we are the affiliates the company says really start with me when you help me to sell my products that i have they can release that product i'm in physical docs you are going to be paid let's just say 40 percent commission is that okay 14 commission which means if this product is 100 dollars 100 dollars you get to keep 40 dollars a day and is that okay guys it means for each person that you send to these persons bulldogs to purchase them at the end of the day you are going to be paid 40 dollars and products and common money is about twenty thousand and above so all you would do is when you register here you are giving a unique link that is linking to this product now you come this way there are different ways that you can promote this product you can now reach out to different persons either from social media platform now these persons will be people that are interested into buying the product that you are affiliating that you are athleting so let's take for example the producer of this product is here and you have now registered with the athletes program and all what you are not doing is you are not linking you are not linking this traffic here all right people who are interested about tableau are always called traffic is that okay guys so this particular people here are referred to as traffic you are now sending these people that are interested in this person's food to buy this product and buy it for your referral link and now when they buy through this link if each product big digital fiscal product is being sold for a hundred dollars and we are being paid a commission of 40 percent that means if one two three four five six of them purchased that's forty dollars times it by six you will not be seeing you have seen that you're having more than eighty dollars as commission so all what you'll be doing is just linking just linking the buyers with the producers so you are not the one to deliver the products to them you are not the one to do any special packaging whatsoever or what the buyer needs is house to get the product and another one in chance of house to get the food off all that is left for the producer of that product now that is as simple as it is so you now realize that today every day we do affiliate marketing because when we buy people's food we recommend those products to people also we tell people about this pool let me take for example when when a nice phone comes out people will look at that phone from their friends that already purchase that phone and we'll have that desire to buy that phone or to purchase that phone later on the next thing is we are now into our introduction to athletes marketing one of the highest thing i always tell you to do is always make use of your internet now when you come to the internet you can put what is what is affiliate marketing so always go to google because google is one of the highest place where you can have results you can see a marketing arrange a marketing arrange by which an online retailer pays commissions to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals let us go down let us come down to see if we can what is an example of an athlete marketing okay sometimes marketers promote their affiliate programs by offering bonuses to anyone who purchases the offer for example you could get a free ebook you wrote to any follower who makes a purchase promoting links promote promotions like these encourage customers to buy switzerland the deal so as you can see that is as simple as affiliate marketing is and now i want us to do some small calculations here to show you guys something let us open our calculator now let's suppose that you are in an affiliate program and the affiliate program says that we are being paid 50 commission and the product we are promoting is 100 dollars it means 50 is going to be divided by two so we are being paid and we all let us go back into our [Music] usg to see if the funds exchange that we were using yesterday so you can see the external research um still at 620 for one dollar so in this case guys if you are new here and also watching from our youtube channel i will advise you to subscribe and then if you haven't watched the previous class you should go watch the previous class which will be showing some way of the video you are watching from youtube all right okay so if you go with this on our exchange with what has 50 dollars will give you that's one thousand since the five pounds of weapon of this video so you now see that for every person that purchases this food out you get to make 31 000 now let us see something if in a month you are promoting this buddha and you get to have let's say like um and you get to have let's say like uh 100 sales every blessed month like every blessed morning i haven't won people that are producing that particular affiliate product which i've moved into your affiliate link what is going to happen is that you are going to multiply this 50 you times it by 100 this is going to give you 5 000 5 000 so we are going to copy this amount as usual we go into our counter we come here exchange converter when we come here let me bring it up you can see well let me remove this and then we paste it you will see that five thousand dollars will give you three million one hundred and two thousand five hundred francs every blessed month that you will be doing and what are you going to do you are simply going to be linking the buyers and the producer to purchase the product now the next thing that i'll be talking now about is types of affiliate marketing guys we have two types of athletes marketing we have cpa marketing and athletes marketing in itself and then there's a third one which is now called network marketing which is now like um a chain system we would looking into that all this evening now the first thing we're talking about is cpa marketing now cpa cpa here stands for cost per action that's what the full money of cpa stand for cost per action and if you want to look at cpa networks you come here you can just put cpa cpa networks you can see these are different different cpa networks let's the first one here is max bounty click boards and so on we are going to be looking at some particular ones which [Music] i am at let us look at our story okay i'll also go to cpa field cpa build cpa builds i will explain this by using examples okay just by explaining it to one of the platforms so like i said cpa marketing stands for cost per action so performing performance marketing with industry leading monetization tools so you can see here that cpa group is an industry leader in the athletes marketing space maintaining maintaining an impressive track record of success and publisher satisfaction since 2013 so this platform has been since 20 years many of you don't know about it and if you come here this is how your dashboard is looking is there a dashboard it's looking let me see if we can open this all right so guys when this class is going to end right so i will send the the second zoom link so you can see this is this is how your dashboard is going to look like now let me dive more into what is cpa let me log into this account i have i have different accounts with that let me look into this account let's log into this account and then let me show you something here so that there are so many cpa networks and this is one of the most easiest that you can you can join today if you come here you you will discover that uh people are making money let me change the color let me change it to white light okay all right so if you come here you'll discover that this person has made fourteen thousand two hundred and sixty five dollars if you would take that a loan you bring it to our dollar converter that's going to give you eight million 913 811 fans so with this it shows that people are making money on the platform and now how is this platform different like i said this person has made forty six thousand all right people are making every money with with it now what is the difference with this platform if you come here you go to uh where is it let me come down now if you come here you go to you you come down here you'll discover that these are these are cpa offers now in details what is cpa marketing cpa marketing stand for cost per action instead of a company paying you because somebody has purchased a product the company will pay you just for taking over sending post command take this muscle base or just by resisting or taking you in simple times let me say companies in the united states that are looking to promote products to promote their products to people what they do is that they collect people's emails that they can send them emails or they collect people's uh credit cards for soviet which is to note how let me just say visa visa companies doing how many persons are there and so on and so forth so in simple my explanation it is just like you moving around today collecting people's phone number and then bringing it to a particular businessman for him to let down call those people and then advertise his products to them and then that person tells that for each name that you offer each contact that you collect as you are moving is going to be paying you 5 500 fans each now imagine if at the end of the day you collect you collect uh 100 100 contracts that is how much you have made 50 000 cv funds that is the same thing as cpa marketing so it is cost per action they are not they are not paying you because somebody has purchased something but i pay you because somebody has taken an action through your link now if you come here if you come here you can see like this at the top performing let's also go to not here let's go to my offer so that you can see much more better so you can see in cameroon in cameroon we have just two offers which is 0.000 and now what always happens in most cases is that when when people create a lead magnet link which is when you see they say that the minister of utah is promoting or is giving fifty thousand seven five so every youth in cameroon go and register and then when you reset it if you share to 50 of your contacts and whatsapp and so on that's what we call lift magnet it means it is an automated system generating so for each person that enters and and signs up that person is getting is getting about 0.8 cents now let's just do a small mathematics here for you to see let's go to our calculator back answer this and then face um cancer the figure is zero point it's cents if you times it by let's see 20 000 that gives you 1 600 and now you now discover that six hundred dollars let's just see if you're not taking that into our currency converter you will discover that that is that is 992 800 francs that the person has made so each time you see links these are this is what come on each time you see links you click on if they say complete this is a free giveaway and so on and when you finish you share it is what they call little magnet i i i hope you guys are not following up and then when you go to some site it will not take you to read this time to one expert and so on so one expect is the one thing for people to come and complete offers by registering in that platform let me just take for example you can see that i'm talking about email and zip submit so emails and zip submissions for you submitting your email to let us open it so that you can see this is this like this offer is only allowed on mobile devices and it's for camera as you can see so come on yes email and zip submit so if i click here if i copy this link address here like this and i paste it on a new google tab you will discover something you see it will open up the offer page now it is taking me to the office you cannot see just follow me on all right what is your agenda you can see i'm a man okay above 18 i'm self-employed i make over ten thousand yes and then buy super car let us move this start my own business and then you can just answer them yes i do personalize them now they will not make this commented i get offer look at where they will take us just watch and see where it will take us why is it taking so much time he's taking us to premiere bets just wait and see have you guys seen so premiere bet is the one doing the payment so it is not taking you to a page where you will register now if at the end of the day you register in this link i am being paid 8 cents is that okay that is coming from it's coming from premier bets so this is how cpa marketing works is that okay so companies out there are looking people in their country so if you now go to let's say usa united states go to united states united states office look at it just look at it this way that is load you cannot see that opposed to submit that immediacy get a get a cycle v voucher now and then you can see they'll pay you two dollars that's nine then if you go down again i'll put another one again you guys okay this one enter enter for a 500 visa gift card you see you went from a visa company so people from the united states when they put in their informations here and submit their emails you are being paid for because they have put in their emails that is how cpa marketing works and now there are two ways to promote cpa marketing one way is by you one way is by you promoting it that way like copying the link here let me for example i want to promote this link we copy it here we come here like this offer is only allowed in united states so if anybody else is clicking on the stop and complete the offer you will not be paid you copy on this thing you go now and you promote it we'll be looking at how to promote all of that into our part two of this program is our game the next way to promote is using content locker content local now is when you promise to give people something and then the class will be ending soon so when we end soon please be rest assured that i'm going to okay i think you should be guessing me by now that was better that sorry that you couldn't hear me when the class will end we are i'm going to put the group links the links back into the group so that we can continue is that okay so we'll be stopping soon all right so let's continue from where we ended so there are two ways that you can make money at a cpa market dump like i already said earlier that's what we call content lockers so content locus is like you building a wall it's like you build a wall between what you want to offer what you want to offer to yeah yeah let me see uh yeah traffic like it can be an ebook it can be anything you're promising them and now this war is going to be a cpa offer all right so what you do is that you go to let me just go to one let's just go to one okay this is an example i am using this for all right so what you what you do here is please when you join with yourself please when you're trying you should meet yourself please when you join me to yourself all right like i'm trying to say this the call contents locker so at this position you can come here and you look templates all right you can see different different templates here let's go to url's classify locker so that you all better understand okay so this is this is a good one so we are going to be using this template human verification so here you can tell that i will be giving a free ebook i'll be giving a free ebook or a free movie or whatsoever and then when you come down here you you take the link to that movie or to the ebook or whatever you want to give them for free you put it you put it right here you put it down here you put it down here you place it here this is where you press the line as you see we place this here this is it here so when the people complete the offer it will take them here so here you can set everything now you can now write here you can see that a complete is a way below to if you are a human and not a and not an automated robot to get the ebook okay so you can see that as we are writing it's also our ebook it's also showing here when you finish you can name your contents locker you can name your content local let's just say testing and then from here the next thing is i won't be going to details right when we'll have the part 2 of this class you will be able to see the details of it so when you finish you can now come here you refresh and then you save now wait and see what will happen next let me ask these people because this is our testing you cannot click on get link now this is the link copy link we have now copied the link never seems to be very bad for some people today let me paste that link that we copied here and then we should go there and see so you can see this is it so this is it so that now in this case the person is now being forced to take a survey and now choose a suv and do not bring the person to a survey that is based on a person's country so what is best with content login is that it takes you to surveys that matches your location all right unlike you promoting a direct offer okay my system is trying to refuse it unlike you promoting a direct offer let us go back there so panda locking is the best what i do is that there are movies that are on netflix alone and then people cannot get that movie and they don't know how to watch that movie what i do now is that i go to youtube i create a channel let us let me just show you this before we can continue with our class i go to youtube i create a channel as i create a channel the next thing that i do is that i can pull it out full movie okay guys if i run away homeschool movie do not search for this now people who are coming to the internet that are looking to see how they can watch this movie you can't watch this movie for free the movie is having a lot a lot of views you can see this person posted this movie that was one day ago and the person has 12 000 views right this is sick that i never thought of showing but let me just show you guys this one was posted 14 hours ago and then the person has two thousand views one of these uh videos showing here is my is belongs to me all right when i say that there are new channels this is this channel is 65 subscribers 40 44 subscribers this one is uh 23 subscribers what i want you now to see is this let us come to this one is 12 000 let me play so that you all can see something is that okay let it come let it come let it come let me meet it okay so just watch this the issue that the movie is this but if you come down here this is this is what i wanted you all to see because it says spiderman no way home students are moving away home full movie hd english yeah you will now click on these links to go and watch the movie and you will now see how a movie will start a series is it do not take the trailer of the movie and they'll play it double that is the player you play it to the place you play it and then like the twist of the movie and then it gets to a point they will ask you to click on the link like and see this is it like i'm just saying let me improve the quality so that you can see clearly let me improve the quality so that you all can see clearly is that okay let me enlarge it you can see click link to watch full movie now this guy has made this thing for two hours ten minutes so when you come behind here you see if you think that has a movie he has 65 subscribers and 12 000 people have watched this and now what i want you to see here is that affiliate marketing is very sweet and simple very very sweet and simple though you need to put in the work i'm not saying simple activities and abc but you need to put in the work you cannot see that [Music] you can answer the way okay this is it you cannot see that just the key what we put in watching this movie was spider-man's no way home it means if this amount of views which is 12 thousand persons i hear i mean this was the key word that they also put which is this fight i wanna i don't know if i like key whatever people are also searching for full movie sub into and so on and so forth so from here now what we now do is that there is a group on telegram where we have this movie let me just show you guys a real secret this group here has all latest movies let me just show you guys something spiderman [Music] okay so this is a movie let me show this is a movie spider-man no way home so this is the movie here the complete movie and now people don't know how to watch the movie and that that in countries where they have to be so all what you do is i was you come here you copy you select the item and then you click on copy here sorry sorry sorry click on copy here you copy this link and what you now do is you now go to cpa you now go to your cpa contents local let me just click on the edit and show you guys something okay you now come here where they say locked you are which means this is the limb that we are going to lock all right so when you let us move this control all x control v so i have now pasted that link here let me show you guys something if i come on a new mc tab and i paste that link there and i click on enter look how it will take us wait i don't think this is the this is the movie link spiderman no way home let's copy copy okay let us remove this and then come back here paste it again and then so this is this is the link that we copied telegram and so on so you can join this group it's free as in free so you can join this you can join telegram group also it's very very free yeah look now okay let it load and come see where it will take us it will take us on telegram view in channel we just view in channel open in web look away we take us it will take us to that same channel answer the paxicula movie and see the particular movie my name is taking a little bit of time so just hold on for a week to load all for which to load all and finish [Music] just wait for it to load this is the movie have you guys seen this is it spider-man no way homie just bought us there if i send this if i send this now in in in the let me just say if i send this now in the chat box and you click on it it's it's going to take you also i've sent it here it's going to take you also to this movie directly now let us now go back to our cpa marketing now you came back here and then you printed the link which is it now the telegram dot me and so you press the link here so this is the locked file okay it's a log file so when we now finish when we now finish this you click on save this is now the link you are going to promote okay let it come this is the link so when you collect this link you now go to when you collect this you have content local link for this movie that you have created here you copy it like this you now go to your youtube video that you have made like this one you let us enter it again and then you see what they do so when this movie is playing they will come here and i'll ask you to click click on the link in the description to go watch this movie and what i can see click links watchful movie so all these software's in person let's just say if 1 000 of them at the end of the day comes down here to watch to go watch this full movie because if they were here it means they put this key they they put this keyword and then it putting like you a means they want to watch the movie indeed so let's just say out of 12 000 1000 is able to come and click on this link here so this is where you are going to paste your own link in the description and ask them also so you can we download this movie like this and then you upload it on your own youtube channel and you do that youtube seo i'm giving you guys real value let us when you click now on the link when i click on the link it will now take them now to your content locker all right your content locker and now what will happen is that you can see something will take us to any other site but let's not go there what will happen is that it will bring them they will bring them here wait and see they will bring them here and then it will ask them that for you to get this movie you need to complete a survey to put another human you know human and the person based on the person's country the person said okay let me just complete that sorby and a person will willingly willingly come now here and then complete these offers now let's suppose that a lot of people that are looking to watch this movie are from united states of america or uk or any of these top tier countries that they are paying you at least one that i pay each person that submitted that email look at what will happen look at what happened let's just go to united states united states look at what happened graphic you can off your mic so you can let us say yes this is it so they will now show the person a random offers from these offers all right the system the cpanel now comes and shows a random offers from this list from this all these offers that are communicated so let's just suppose that you have been paid with this this is two dollars five cents okay you now go nuts to your calculator we come back here we discover that 12 000 percent have watched this movie within one day that was it yeah the movie was posted you know go through that calculator let's go to our calculator and let me show you guys something is that okay i never plan on doing this but let me just show it things uh it has just crossed my mind so two point zero five dollars that's one thousand twenty five comma money we times it by one thousand persons that will complete an offer now times is by one thousand percent that is equals to two thousand fifty fifty dollars all right you copy this you go into our dollar converter you put this amount here don't be shocked guys please don't be shocked until this person has made 1 million 272 thousand see if it funds within the past four hours using what we call athlete marketing and stop cpa marketing without selling any food up are you guys with me voila so these are things that are happening that you don't know all right freelancing was just the beginning of using the real world of making money online it's not about putting money investing money in funds this game and then taking five thousand and to take twelve thousand the next week this this is what we call real money guys you this is what once you show yourself you see that you can start a channel today with a with less than 100 subscribers and you do your seo value where you can see this is all it's not the person that's right yeah you can copy this same thing you duplicate it on your own channel and you make this kind of money now suppose that you are making eight out of these 12 000 imagine okay now 5 000 of them were able to click on nothing and complete an offer how much are we talking about here already we're doing 24 hours so guys there are different different ways that you can make money so this is the first part of affiliate marketing which is cpa marketing i want to talk and using this movie method is just one of the methods that you can use in promoting your cpa offers there are hundreds of ways that you can use that we may be looking into them in the past two of these plans all right and if you're watching from youtube make sure that if you want to get into the part two then inbox me my whatsapp number is going to be in the description of this video inbox mister that i can join you i pray that you should be inboxing me why the person program is still running so let us go back now into our outline of the day from this point i'm going to watch because i wanted to go into athletes into cpm you can see in details all right the next thing we're looking about now is athletes marketing which i already explained to you guys now types of athletes commissions there are two types of athletes commission one you have recurring athletes commission and once or like one-time affiliate commission recording means that if you are selling a product if you are selling a product and if you are promoting a product and your permission is forty dollars per that product and it happens that i have to be subscribing for that product i'll be paying every decision it means every month that i pay a hundred dollars to use consumer is not product you are being forwarded or being paid 40 dollars from that money that i am paying so we are just going to look at one of these so we are going to be opening the first athletes program yeah there are a lot as a lot of recurring athletes programs if you want to know more just go to google and type in recurring athletes program all right you will be able to get many so many of them so you can see over two million dollars in commission paid to our athlete come down here you can see uh and 40 percent lifetime commission every time your affiliate link is used so you can you can you can end all of this you can earn 40 commission for live guys and five five percent second tier athlete it means if anybody registered online you as a sub athlete on the affiliate link it means you'll be ending five percent of what the person is any so if you come down here you can read through everything everything and watch the system that i will sit in the citadel io is it's aim it's uh internet marketing tool for people that are looking to grow their business online so what happens is that what happens is that when people go to the internet or they see things that they want to use to build or to boost of their let me just to boost up their marketing uh potentials they want to look the first thing i would look at is reviews like what i would say about this product so let's come here you can use that here for free you get contacts email signs and so on and now if somebody comes in here and register for 79 dollars for every month it means every morning this person is paying seven hundred to ninety seven dollars sorry and someone has to use this to use this particular digital tool you are being paid 40 percent of that product so it's simple let us calculate something let me show you guys something here i love to calculate because it opens you're going to see what you're working on so uh 0.4 times it by 97 that is 38.8 dollars all right that is the last eight cents as commissioner p now let's suppose that in a month you have 100 persons that have registered online are using this tool it means you'll be making three thousand eight hundred and two thousand eight hundred and eight dollars is that okay just by you having one person that are using this product and they went in for that price okay let us now go into our converter and then we see how much this is going to give us you see that is two million four hundred and seven thousand five hundred francs okay let's just say two point four million so you now see that was just by you promoting this product every blessed month with just one hundred percent in the entire world that i've written on this product in your name or on an affiliate link you have been paid you have been entitled to 2.4 million every blessed month as a cameronian guys so i hope you guys are getting the magic here with athletes marketing and there are different different ways let's just take this product it is called system dot i o look at what the power doing let me just show you two things two ways that you can promote this product i am already fast forwarding to let's do this let's see you go to google and then you just type in uh system okay this is review when people see something first thing they do is they go and they look for a review and when they come here they will not click on this as though comments look at what other people are saying or writing about this product these are articles written by people those people own blog all right we'll be looking at it very soon let's just click this one and let me show you guys something opening a new town even i myself i'm promoting this product also all right so is that there are different ways you can make money there's a lot a lot of affiliate programs out there so if you come here um so this is this is this is the person's website so you can only only also i'll be explaining that to you so this person has written uh blah blah blah there is a tool for every part of your digital marketing mix tools for email marketing and so on and the person comes down here and they put this in the aisle if i click on this link here pam this is the person upload link you are going to see us it's going to show okay so this is the person's affiliate id this one asking like this spam ending here that's the person's affiliate id so if i sign up here the person is going to get a commission is that okay guys and now for you to know how many personnel are searching for this product every blessed month you can go to google and you use what is called google ads to know that you will be able to know the amount of person for the sake of time i won't be going to that for you to know the amount of persons that are coming into this particular life sorry that are searching this particular product every blessed i be blessed mon guys and now anybody ranking number one on google like when you when you search on go you see that other people's i think this is like you can see this website is freeze what is that chris ah that's really difficult so didn't remember even i myself i i own a website where i'm promoting affiliate products i do reviews also all right so you can see this is a review this is a you know poster on march 7 and so on so that that is it guys so let us go now to the next one you have now understood what is called recovering after this commission so if you can have one people to sign up using affiliate link every month this product is going to be paying you is going to be paying you athletes commission now let's look at the next one this one here are the top best we call athletes recovering athletes programs all right so at the end of this i will be leaving a link to this google docs so that you can easily go through and then make a research from them this is another person that i like it best recovering athlete programs make free money for life so you can see this one is uh same watch it pays to forty percent it's an seo two this one is the lead page it pays 10 percent so let's convert it another the person has put his own affiliate links yes we'll send you there you see when you go there you are now going to be like his top athletes when you also make commission he makes the percentage of their commission so these are different different hopefully we can affiliate programs that you can promote is that okay guys now let us fast forward to at least another one again money means best uh recurring affiliate program now best athlete programs to join the ones that you can really join this one is now hosted by by adam adam is one of like one of the top guys that i know that making money online with athlete marketing through blogging as well like they are really really making a big killing with you guys my network is a little bit slow but we were going to manage like that so this is adam's block he thought was it about 27 something like that but he has always been making a report about his blog how he's making money so from here you can see that you can go through with this okay best of our athlete program is fiverr we all know fiverr fiverr also has an atlas program so when you go into any website you scroll down to the last bottom you will see join affiliate program will become an app that's where you join the program so this website is owned by a single person and it's now running as a business if you come here you say he has written articles how to how to guide all right so i don't know if you're free to open okay you can see how to is the reason to up i don't know if it's my network okay you can see how to start a blog secure your online influence high paying athlete program because these are different articles that he has with that okay and now if you come here business software all of this all of this all of this uh articles that he has written and then he has his affiliate links in all of them for instance if you open this if you open web hosting you will see that he will put here 27 plus best web hosting services of 2022 this has been updated that was april 14.

you see you guys and he has an article is updated and you can see this is bluehost blues i'm also promoting bluehost and i'm using my bluehost to host my own website okay to host my own website so if you go down you can which will you see just add them here these are them here the first one this is it you can see the commission that you are being paid blah blah blah the next one you can go down the next one should be bluehost how is it this is bluehost i also promote bluehost i also promote bluehost guys so i also promote bluehost they pay you 65 65 dollars for every sign up so if you look here if you check here all right so you can see here bluehost paid me my affiliate commission i made a video about it it's a video it's on this is uh on this youtube channel so you can check the video i think you should be showing somewhere up here you can click that if you're watching from youtube so they paid me 130 the last so this was a uh as this was as a consequence of me referring two persons to purchase it by trying a particular method that was on march 22 that hours i was being paid this commission because he was paid by bluehost and guys all the time when you see payment the first thing you should always do is you can see my name here camilo the person should you refresh the page so you refresh in the page tell us that it's real money and it's not fake because people today make a screenshot and come and show people and people can also edit it because they say whether you can edit this because it is you got to change that figure okay so when it looks like this and then it shows the same thing the person is lazy the person is showing you the real the real figures he's making he or she is making i'll be showing you how to know if somebody is faking or somebody is making you want to because it does do that everything is still intact the money is still the same but just for this tutorial let me just show you what some people do online let me click here you're going to inspect and then look at what will happen look at what will happen i know i mean if you didn't know about this but just look at what people are doing look they they right click here you right click here you go to inspect other people see money man balance and you being moved or you are being carried away why is it taking so much time okay let me just bring this down so you can see this is the figure here 130 so look at what i'm going to do okay i'm going to erase this 130 and i'm going to put let's just say 2 567 and i click on enter and then i translate this look at what will happen have you guys seen the figure that i have now has changed it was in the money manager or in whatever platform that you are seeing or somebody's turning online the person doesn't refresh the page now a person is fake the person is lying we started the money hannah has changed to this right i can edit this thing i'll tell you i put my name you can change that is how people do it if i scroll and go down and come up it will not shake but if i come here and i refresh my screen like this and i refresh the screen it will now refresh and it will go back to the original amount all right that is why you shouldn't be carried away by somebody showing you screenshot or showing you something and not reloading the speech anybody i can even even go to cpa people anything and then fake it right but there is no need for that because if you do if you do it genuinely you are going to get the result listening for that so let me just reload so that you can see that it's going to be the initial amount i was there which is 1 30.

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my number is a little bit slow so as you can see that's it 130 so at least you've learned one thing online so that is very very uh helpful all right so that's it we should go into our next topic here these are going to be best affiliate programs for you to join so if you click here i'll be sending this at the description of this video and then also into our groups and then these are heights high tickets affiliate programs these are highest a couple of programs when you click here you will see i have the program that if you join you're going to promote for a very very higher price then you come here how much can you make promoting athletes products i have already explained to you guys let me suppose you want to make 150 million in one year right 50 million in one here what you would do is let us go to calculator you look at a product that will be paying you a commission of 50 to 100 so let's just say yes 50 dollars per each sign up or pay each purchase and then you focus on making two thousand sales in one year so if you times this by two thousand it's going to give you 100 000 and if you take 100 000 if you copy this 100 000 oh okay you go into our converter and you paste it there it is going to give you 62 million cfe funds guys you see that you will be on the internet you will be on the internet and all you will doing is you'll be writing about different go to gameplay let me show you how much this guy is making in a month just from his block alone okay we see after seven minutes to go after this you see after the next 10 minutes we are going to be doing question and answer session all right if you have any questions but just know your questions i'm trying to watch other apps so many things because we can't take one day to learn about affiliate marketing but at least you have a clue you know this is how it is and so on so he always makes a an income report about his spelling like how to stop vlogging blah blah blah let me go down to see if he has okay this is income report if you go to his income income report it doesn't go to his income report my network is becoming to be slow but why ah my number is really really slow i don't know why guys please just be patient the class is going to end again and i will send the zoom link for the last time all right i think that we are here the class is going to end soon so you can see the income report this was for june this was last year he made 287 thousand dollars for june the month of june alone that is more than 150 million pounds we are looking at that somebody is making in yemen you can more money you can see this was a match he made 100 thousand dollars we were doing projection of you making 1000 in one year but somebody's doing that in a month it is all about hard work guys so when the class ends i'm going to send you a new link so that we should finalize we are going to have it for 10 minutes then we go to question and answer if i reload again okay these are the products here you can see one bottle is 65 59 if you buy three bottles they will give you a discount so you will not be 49 dollars so that would be 147.

If you now be if you now go for six bottles you will be paid a little bit mandalas so what i want you to see is that each person that comes let's say if you have been paid 100 there are two ways you can promote this product the first one is when people see a product they go to youtube they go to facebook a story they go to google and they type in mexico mexico review look at what happened come on look now it never went through mexico review all right no problem so like i was saying like i was saying this is a platform i like apple network a platform you can come and you get products that i promote so before the networks sees we were at the point where i was giving you guys a scenario now let's suppose that your promotion is product and then you are getting paid let's just say 100 not just one year if you have been paid once the last we on google type in mexico review so people come here and look at the reviews you can see this is if this is a review written by somebody if we click here like mexico review is it a scam or not it will take us to the person's website you can see discover you also can own your own website okay you can also on your own website to write your own product reviews you can learn everything about seo so that you can also be ranking like this person the level is really something else but what is important is that the right article okay like it has come up the right articles about this product if we go down you can see this is an affiliate link man all right all right no problem so if you come down here you reach through this article you will see his messages link all of these highlights here are affiliate links all of the affiliate links that are put this discover magazine so they make reviews about weight loss products output also when you click here it takes you to the same advance it takes you yes advance ah he's refusing now today now we need today let's go back to google and check another okay there's another one again videos are also okay so people are making videos about it this was made four weeks ago and then this was made 35 minutes ago this is what we could call real youtube seo and it is ranking i think we should open this video also all right so this is this person's own review this is it official website yeah we have 10 minutes official websites of mexico if you click here it's going to take you to the website where you can buy and when you buy this product the present is going to pay the commission so if inside the one here this person promotes only this product alone he's being paid 160 dollars as commission his mother is putting alone and he's able to get 1000 persons that are obese in the entire eight or seven billion persons in the whole world you see that he's making one hundred thousand dollars in carmona is 62 million as you already saw so that is huge amount of money so we will be looking the next thing we should be looking at we're looking at again is um the other platform warrior plus so i'll send this i'll send this google docs so that you can go through it you can make a recession after it what is an affiliate platform i've already explained that to you like it's a network where you can go there you sign up you collect the product and you promote best athlete in the world to promote product from you have digital warrior plus jvzoo clickbank is not it's not allowed in in africa so you can't go for that experience share say and there are many more okay and then how to promote your affiliate links the first thing you can do to upline things it's by affiliate website review like what we were doing we went to google and we searched for mexico reviews so you can own a website and you are doing that and then zip product tutorials you can create a video about how to use the product and how to use the product by for example how to use the product how to let me come here how to use the product secondly how to order a product that'd be the pros and the cones the wood and the bath of the products and then where to find the product and then an inside product tips so when you make a video about this on youtube and you explain people get at the end you tell them to go to description and then buy the product after this if you want to see just go to youtube and type in mexico review you will discover that you have a lot a lot of videos that are being made around this the next one is affiliate banners these are for those who owns website or blogs all right so i won't go more into that and then best sites to promote your athletes products you have google as in blogging only on website you have youtube created by creating youtube channel you have medium by writing an article about it on museum and then you have koala which is a question answer website where you can go there and people ask questions you answer we'll be looking more about this into our in our part two of this class you have social media like facebook facebook even whatsapp instagram twitter and the rest you have forget this is a place where people meet there to have fun discuss and then we see more of this platform we have pinterest so some of my old students who are also in this class knows about this and then the most important thing i would like to say here is how to disclose your affiliate link so if you make an uplink i don't disclose it by saying that lovely links are included in this article in this video at the end of the day you can be you can be sued for that so let me let me just read quickly as an athlete marketer you are required to disclose your involvement in athlete programs most content creators will include a short paragraph explaining the relationship between the contents and the athletes program advertisers at the beginning of their content and on a dedicated speech of their website an example of a proper affiliate link disclaimer at the top of a blog post could read as a blogger my content may include affiliate links from advertisers i may earn money from actions readers take on these links such as a click purchase or a subscribe however these are the tools that i recommend fully and have helped my blog tremendously so that is that on your ad on your dedicated athletes disclosure page be sure to list which athlete programs you are involved with and details about that partnership for the ultimate transparency so we are at the end of this class so now is the time for you to answer questions if you have any questions you can ask and if you are watching from youtube you can also ask your questions below in the description of this video so yeah you'll follow base through the youtube after i'll have to edit the video and cut it to make sure that it becomes shorter yeah network today is really it's really bad that's coming on for us there's nothing we can do well i'm really sorry maybe it is you haven't joined with you you haven't joined with device with you that's why you couldn't hear anything so please if you have a question you can raise your hand up and ask we have just about four minutes to answer the questions and if after these four minutes you see a lot of questions you can ask them in our lab group and if you ask to reach out to me you can check the number shown on the screen or you can click the description and not the and not the comment section all right okay we now you said no i don't know why you said no for but is there anybody with a question yeah fabian you raise your hand okay then how to get the test is by you signing up into any of the athletes program that you've seen here or any of the athletes network like digital and us you get it you get your athlete link you start promoting the next thing is how to promote the platform supermarket i've just given the platform yeah but i've not explained them in details like different platforms you can promote your products there so what i will say is that you can watch more videos on youtube after after this or you can you can also buy a special affiliate marketing cost a loan so that will help in drilling you more on that and then facilitating your things if you are ready there are some athletes consider i can recommend to you to purchase as of now i don't yet have an affiliate marketing course of my own but i'll be getting that in subsequent weeks to come is that okay yeah i'm sending it to the group let me copy it without sending to the group yeah we have two minutes to go so let me change anyone with a link done so anyone with this link sorry anyone with this link will be able to will be able to view this so is there any other question i know that a lot of you have entire same as me here is another question okay guys if there is no question for the meantime after you watch the class again on youtube that i'll upload in smuggle then you should be able to have some more questions never has really interrupted the lessons of today that much but i look forward to hearing your questions in the group after you must have gone through the replay of the class and if you haven't watched the part one of our lesson about freelancing you should go and watch it again is that okay so see you guys in our next class guys we'll have a blessed night bye you're welcome have a blessed night and at least you know that today you can make a decent amount of money with affiliate marketing alone we'll look more into that for those that will take things to us

As found on YouTube