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Make $10,000+ MONTHLY Using this (FREE) Secret Affiliate Marketing Training (For Beginners)

Make $10,000+ MONTHLY Using this (FREE) Secret Affiliate Marketing Training (For Beginners)

guys i'm going to show you how verinda is over here from india could help his company is more than four million dollars malik here from pakistan did the same himself and earned more than a hundred thousand dollars and steve ivy from the united states did it himself and he could the victory is eight hundred thousand dollars guys i applied it the same affiliate marketing principles and if you come here now when i refresh your survey i want to show you that this is legit in the last 90 days i was able to earn over 48 thousand dollars and i want to show you how you can learn it's absolutely free it's a peak income skill affiliate marketing skill when I come over to my fighter and here when I refresh it I could earn over ten thousand dollars it's a secret strategy guys that not many people don't want to teach you and show you because they sell courses and they make money from this but I want to show you on this video how you can absolutely learn it for free and start making money with affiliate marketing in 2021 after watching this video come we're looking at what's up with you guys it's alan here again from the smart money tactics channel where i post reliable content every day to help you make money online and today i have a fantastic strategy that will help you make anything from one hundred thousand dollars plus every year and you can learn everything it's absolutely free and I'm going to walk you through these videos now step by step make sure you watch to the end of this video because I'll be announcing the 50
paypal giveaway winner and what you need to do to enter the next giveaway where I will give away 100 so make sure you watch the
full video to learn exactly what you need to do now I want to show you something, it's very very important, look at this the ten most skilled skills worldwide right now if you go here and look at this affiliate marketing guys that's number seven affiliate marketing guys almost every single company almost every business out there offers some kind of affiliate marketing program or many sir and there are many especially now affiliates with what happened with the pandemic and what not many people are starting to jump on marketing marketing just take a look at social media linkedin said the exact same thing guys if you look at this affiliate marketing is here at number seven so that's something it's absolutely growing and you have an enormous opportunity to help people who are in the affiliate marketing space or if you want to do affiliate marketing in 2021 you can make a lot of money online but what I'm going to show you on this video guys and it's a very you know straight understanding but you need to learn these skills and I'm going to show you exactly how you can learn them absolutely free now if you come over for example to sites like Facebook guys and all you have to do is just scroll down and look know on your feed on facebook you're going to find all these different sponsored posts for different companies when it comes to affiliate marketing i mean all you have to do is come here scroll on scroll down and you're going to find a lot of these different sponsored posts a lot of these sponsored messages guys are affiliate marketing jobs where people are promoting I mean here is one here where someone is promoting someone's affiliate offer they are these ads are doing well but these ads take a lot of skill guys you need to learn how to do this now a lot of people are selling courses about affiliate marketing they sell courses all these different ways you can do it with facebook with google ads places like pinterest all these others you know instagram etc and they saw these courses for a thousand dollars some of them even sell up to five thousand dollars but did you know that you can learn everything it's absolutely free number one you can make money affiliate marketing once you learn it or number two you can offer services as a freelancer so you can be the one it makes a lot of money off the back of these affiliate marketing promotions just like this here i'm going to show you exactly how you can do it pay so pay attention the first place you want to go guys is forward slash business alert okay and what is it guys it's a website that has facebook itself I'm going to show you some of these on this video so you can come over here and learn these skills without having to pay a single dollar no zero courses nothing like guys you can learn it all and if you come to a site like
this guys if you come here for education and resources check it out just really wanted to pause this video quick guys to announce the fifty 50 to paypal giveaway winner from the previous video and what you need to do to enter the next paypal giveaway and to the next video I will do 100 to enter the guys now go below and comment I love breaking marketing affiliate like button in appreciation share the video and I will announce the winner of the 100
on the next video now if you can see your name here below congratulations you won fifty dollars for commenting on the previous video thank you very much for liking the video and sharing the video and like I said if you enter the will
next giveaway guys go below immediately and deliver comment i like affiliate marketing and you can win 100 let's continue with the video you have online learning courses and you have certified programs guys you even have webinars guys and you come here you also have an advertising directory and on this side here can you guys learn everything you need to know how to run it different types of facebook ads how to get the
traffic you need how to do all this now there are many tutorials on youtube you can watch blue but if you want to know how to run these campaigns successfully then these are the sites you want to come to because it is in their best interest to teach you how to make money online with facebook for example now I am going to run some detailed tutorials in upcoming videos but i want to show you where you can come here to get it absolutely free now if you come over and scroll down guys check out featured how can i make money on facebook facebook ads and your business goals quick guide to facebook page ads guys how facebook can help can help businesses you knew lessons here how to help reduce business disruption all these different things guys look at advertise facebook ad tools you need to know five steps create a facebook ad from your page i mean it's tools and resources that people are charging you a lot of money with different courses if you come here and click on these guys it's going to take you to a page that looks like it's okay and if you scroll down I mean take a look at these free online courses when you come here you can start selling your advertising journey start advertising your products online from your page everyone this great content absolutely for a friend if you click here after this it's going to take you to a page that looks like this basically shows you how to start selling on facebook and on Instagram what do trading on facebook and instagram look like click on this you can look at it come here and take all these things different courses guys absolutely free and you are probably thinking what can I do with this, do I have no money to run ads and you don't need money to run ads because I'm going to show you how to earn your money online learn all these guys if you don't want to do affiliate marketing and you don't want this ads show up I'll show you another way make a lot of money online just like the guys I showed you at the
beginning of this video and if you come here guys if you click on one of these things that's going to take you over bring and show exactly how you can learn these different skills is exactly what I did I took a lot of these free courses guys that it gave me the skills to make money online with affiliate marketing but you can also do it as a freelancer and if you come here guys like me showed you here if you go to
education and resources you also have these certified programs here and the good thing about these facebook certificates if you come here and take these certifications you enable to work as a
freelancer and these freelancers have a lot of money online all you have to do is come to sites like upwork here and type in if you come to you guys and you type in facebook ads and you scroll down you can see how much money people earn on these sites I mean you take a look here this person from Cyprus earned 200,000.

this person from kenya made up to ten thousand dollars here and if you look at this person here adam from here from the united states made over four hundred thousand dollars guys he is a facebook ad expert and you can learn it all for free guys on this site and get certified you can get over and you can create ads on fiverr too and start knowing you offer these ads to people and if you look at these guys look at this I mean this person here has 2,275 reviews this is people gone reviews average 75 dollars per case if I grab my calculator over here and we do 2275 and we multiply that by 75 guys, I mean it's just under two hundred thousand that's one hundred and seventy thousand that's from the people that are gone reviews so I highly recommend it come to facebook guys us and learn forward slant business forward slant and you can absolutely learn it all for free but it's not the only place you can go to learn this peak income school when it comes to affiliate marketing another site what you can go to is a place called skillshop google and what this site is going to do guys is it going to teach you how to run it google ads for example if you were to type in builder or google you're going to see almost everything you type in google where you go has these ads that appear first and this is a really good skill to have if you want to promote your own website if you want to promote your own product you can get it to the top google search with almost everything you are doing and to do this skill everyone has to do is come here to this site you can see here you're certified you come here to google google ads and you can click on it (come over here) click here and it's going to take you to ' a page guys where it's going to teach you or show you exactly where you can go get certified and learn how to run it Google ads and you can do it for other people too and I'll show you exactly how it's going to do it if you click on this it will take you to a page above guys and look at all the courses here that you can take as a beginner, I mean you can see it's certified for a beginner and then you can go and take more intermediate and advanced courses and it's going to teach you everything you need to know there is absolutely no need to pay you know a 300 500 thousand dollar course unless they offer you some kind of funnels or something like that but just to show you the training youtube this free courses guys get you exactly where you need to be so you can make money with affiliate marketing or if you want to do it as a freelancer guys this is where a lot of people come to learn how to create these courses believe it or not and they charge you a lot of money for this and again you can easily come guys to a quick type of google ads here and look at this trip here from the United States guys have earned more than 800,000 with this strategy guys is he a google ads expert because at the end of the day he asks you to 125 an hour whether the person makes a sale or not, it doesn't matter to him he is going to ask you to set up this campaign and then he is going to be paid if it person trading on affiliate marketing does not earn any money he will do it keep paying because at the end of the day there are no guarantees if it comes to you know advertising anything with any of these platforms that you will make money and if you scroll down here, are you going to find other people who have also made really good money online forty thousand sixty thousand twenty thousand forty thousand and if you look here guys you have people from poland united states ukraine india um again ukraine united states etc.

so all over the world people are making money online with these strategies so it was facebook guys there was also google i talked about twitter on another video i made before but there is also another site guys it's really easy to run ads on guys and it's interesting and I want to show you exactly how you can do it with pinterest right now if you come to pinterest and you go to your pinterest profile you just open pinterest you can see that it's really hard to distinguish normal pins here from the actual pins where people advertise let me show you exactly how to find them if you come here check out this pin here is an ad here you can see he was promoted by and if you on these three little click dots here, you're going to see here why am I seeing this ad that's how you know what an ad is interested in and if you come here here's another one here if you click on these three little links you can here see that this here is not an ad so if you click on this and you don't see what you see here where it says why do I see this ad that means this is not many times an attic if this is an ad what you are going to see promoted by okay as you can see he is square space why am i seeing this ad now then you can come here and you can run ads on pinterest and pinterest ads don't cost much like facebook ads and they cost very not like google, you know when you are advertising on google guys it is much cheaper and to learn how to run you know these different ads on interest to earn money with affiliate marketing all you have to do is to to go over
interest academy guys and as you can look when you're on the pinterest academy you can see here welcome to pinterest where it's going to show you talking to you all about pinterest how to create apinterest profile how to pins to put up on pinterest but then you also have how to create content planning your campaign and then here you can see here guys that you can learn exactly how to start your campaign how to plan your campaign and how to create it pinterest ads guys it's a fantastic tool it's also absolutely free guys you can come here and learn it all and again if you want to provide these services as a freelancer if you don't want to run these affiliate marketing campaigns all you need have to do guys is to follow
sites like this here on upwork and you can see here that katherine here from the United States is a pinterest account manager where she looks after people pinterest profiles which is exactly what you can do and this person she earned over fifty thousand dollars do it now you can possibly do pinterest you can do instagram you can do facebook because with facebook over here facebook owns instagram guys so if you learn you know everything here about facebook you also learn how to run ads instagram so it's really powerful tools guys that are absolutely for
free so you can start making money as an affiliate marketer or to make money as a freelancer in 2021 there's no need to go and spend money on courses that you can do easily come here and learn all these things absolutely for a friend if you come to fiverr if you type in pinterest ads guys you can see this person is selling it at a
starting rate of 48 dollars if I click next to standard rate is 48 dollars he has 67 reviews a standard fee 68 and his premium fee is 103 so you can comfortably say that this person has earned very good money offers these interesting ads to people where he sets up these campaigns he is an expert in this as the niche is not saturated and he earns very good money online now there is a bonus way you can do it too i want to share this tip with you with a linkedin okay if you come to learn forward cut me here if you are a student guys you can log in linkedin learn and you can come here and a learn
a lot about linkedin about running ads on linkedin or just come in different ways to make money on linkedin and you can also come here guys and take many of free courses on LinkedIn also is a great tool to get started and also learn other ways to earn money online now if you are a student you can join for free if you are not a
student guys you can your month start free and then you can do a lot of these different courses on linkedin for the first month and then you can just deactivate it if you do n't want to pay the ongoing fee think we're only about 15 a month okay guys so that's it a great way you can earn money affiliate marketing or as a freelancer in 2021 guys and that's exactly what I did, I came here I took a lot of these free courses that I learned about making money online and I applied them during the last you know 18 months and I was absolutely smashing online and making really good money and you can do the exact same thing that was my video for today guys and another great way you can make money with affiliate marketing and tons get free courses absolutely free where you can provide services to other people or even earn money with affiliate marketing in 2021 if you like the
video smash the button like in appreciation and don't forget to go down below and comment I like from affiliate marketing feed the next 100 in paypal gift on which i will do the next video guys thanks a lot for watik another one of my videos i'm alan from smartmoney tactics see you tomorrow take care of yourselves and bye

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