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Revealing the 5 Best AFFILIATE MARKETING Courses in 2021

Revealing the 5 Best AFFILIATE MARKETING Courses in 2021

Keaton Walker :
Okay, so you're trying to figure out if you   should buy an affiliate marketing course, if you 
need a course at all, or generally, maybe you're   just interested in affiliate marketing. If you 
fit any of those descriptions, you've come to the   right video. We're going to talk about affiliate 
marketing, what it is, the different ways to do   it. But most importantly, the top five courses out 
there to teach you how to get started in affiliate   marketing, and scale up to a six figure income.
Keaton Walker :
  My name's Keaton Walker. I'm one of the 
co-founders here at CourseRanks. CourseRanks is   an online reviews platform for online courses 
that teach you how to make money online.   So we're going over the top rated courses 
according to you, the people that are taking   the courses today. The major question everyone 
has before they buy a course guys is, "Is this   course actually going to help me?" I don't blame 
you, because there are a lot of less than ethical   course sellers out there.

So it's a really 
good thing you're checking this video out.
  Keaton Walker :
As it says in the title   of this video, we're going to go over the top 
five affiliate marketing courses, their prices,   what differentiates them, and some of the best 
practices to think about if you want to practice   safe course buying, which we know is a necessity 
in these crazy times. And if you want to see more   beyond the top five, make sure to check out the 
affiliate marketing section of
  Keaton Walker :
And guys, just one   more quick thing before we get into it, if at 
any point during this video or any of our other   videos, if you decide to buy a course, make sure 
you go to CourseRanks first, check out the reviews   and use the button on CourseRanks to click through 
to the course. Not only is this going to help you   choose the right course, but it really helps us 
at CourseRanks, because we get a small affiliate   commission for each course you buy when you 
click through CourseRanks. And that really helps   us support this community that's been plagued 
with a lot of false advertising and predatory   marketing.

We really want to bring transparency 
to it. So when you do that, it helps us a lot.
  Keaton Walker :
All right, without further ado, let's get into it.   Number five, is going to be Super Affiliate System 
by John Crestiani, rated 4.0 stars on CourseRanks,   with a price of 9.97. So you might've seen 
John around. He came on Coffeezilla's show,   actually. And he's a little bit controversial 
because his marketing is so over the top.

Him,   flying into a mansion with a helicopter, with 
women in bikinis laying around a pool before his   webinar, over the top. So as far as over the top 
internet marketing goes, John Crestiani has done   it all. So let's go ahead and go to his sales 
page and I'll explain more about the course.
  Keaton Walker :
SO here we are. "Hurry! Build an online   business and unlock more freedom and stability 
in your life for the best price ever." For a   short while longer. First of all, this countdown 
timer is complete BS. Every time you come here,   "Warning, special discount bonuses are good today 
only, April 2nd, 2021." This is not true either.   They're just building scarcity for you here. So 
don't pay attention to any of that. Just buy it,   if you think it's actually going to help you. So 
then we get the live chat here. It's messaging us.   But as far as the steps here, it looks like 
first the method here is how to find people   to sell products to. Second, place, where to 
sell your product. And then lastly, product,   what you're going to sell.
Keaton Walker :
  So from what I understand, John is going to 
help you just basically find an affiliate offer,   no matter what it is, for an audience that 
needs that type of product.

And I'm assuming   that the majority of his promotion is going to 
be through ads, and he's going to be promoting   ClickBank products and other stuff like that. 
There might be a little bit of blogging in here,   or building an authority site, or something like 
that. But I'm assuming that it would probably be   a lot more ads heavy. Then he also mentions that 
there's 24/7 VIP support and mentions all these   things that are going to go in there.
Keaton Walker :
  And then also, all of these bonuses. So fast 
action bonus #1, The $10,000 Challenge. If you   make $10,000, they're going to give you back the 
$1,000 that you invested in the course.

Tried,   tested and perfected traffic strategies. This is 
what tells me there's going to be a lot of ads   in different places, potentially Facebook, maybe 
things like Pinterest or other sites like that.   Then we've got free ad credits. That's actually 
a pretty cool bonus I haven't seen anywhere else.   Buyer data for AI-driven ads. This could 
potentially help, but as a Facebook marketer   myself, I don't really see this helping that 
much. So fast action bonus #5 is high ticket   commissions. Be careful with this, it might just 
be another upsell and to something else. Student   case studies, this is really cool. It's actually 
very helpful to have examples. And extra login,   that's kind of cool there. They're letting you 
invite your spouse or your business partner to   log in to your account.

And then a one-on-one 
Skype call with me, John Crestiani. I don't know   if that is true. Because I doubt that John is 
taking one-on-one calls for a $1,000 course.
  Keaton Walker :
Anyways, with all of these bonuses,   it looks like he's charging a $1,000. I 
would be wary of working with somebody that   uses marketing like John Crestiani does, because 
he'll probably expect you to do the same thing.
  Keaton Walker :
Let's see what the people who have written reviews   about this say. So it looks like Tim Dreyer said, 
"Affiliate marketing has never been this easy.   This course is basically a plug and play course. 
Only downside here is traffic sources is all paid   traffic. So if you're a newbie and want to 
start with free traffic, then I suggest you   check out other affiliate marketing courses. It 
seems to fit with everything I said, and just   make sure you do your due diligence and read all 
these reviews before you buy John's course.
  Keaton Walker :
All right, moving on.

Next, we've got   Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing by Michelle 
Schroeder-Gardner. "How to build a six figure   blog without millions of visitors or selling your 
soul." The price here is 197 and it looks like the   average review on CourseRanks is 4.26.
Keaton Walker :
  So Michelle runs Making Sense of Cents, which 
is a blog that allegedly makes over $50,000   per month. So naturally, this is going to 
be a blogging course. So let's go to the   sales page and see what's going on here. It 
looks like Michelle's teaching. Welcome, one,   what is affiliate marketing? How to find and 
apply to affiliate programs? Then we've got   follow the rules.

So she's helping her people do 
this the right way, which is great, I appreciate.   Module four, how to get your readers to convert? 
So this is all about converting readers on your   blog to different affiliate products, right? 
Module five, strategies and ways to promote   affiliate links. This is all marketing, promotion, 
great. Module six, rinse and repeat. And then,   a bunch of different bonuses here. So it looks 
like worksheets. How to maximize your reach,   your impact, your revenue with Facebook ads. 
Some other stuff she's included in here.
  Keaton Walker :
That's what I love about these teachable   pages. They show what's in every module, which 
is great. Overall, with the price point of 197,   this seems like a really good course. And 
Michelle seems like she knows what she's   doing. At this price point, I would definitely 
go for it if you want to start a blog.
  Keaton Walker :

Moving on. Now, number three is going   to be Affiliate Secrets 2.0 by Spencer Mecham or 
Buildapreneur. The average review on CourseRanks   ranks is 4.14 and the price is 897. So what's 
really cool about Spencer Mechum is he's one of,   if not the top ClickFunnels affiliate. I think 
he's made over a million or 3 million. I can't   remember which, using the ClickFunnels affiliate 
program. So Spencer definitely focuses more on   helping people generate recurring commissions from 
software products. That's what Buildapreneur or   Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is all about.
Keaton Walker :
  He also has a 30 day plan in The One Funnel Away 
Challenge, the workbook, which is really cool.   And I'm sure that the course just goes much 
more in depth with this. In that 30 day plan,   he goes through everything he would do from 
day zero to day 30, restarting his business   from scratch, the seven-figure affiliate marketing 
business that he's built, which is really cool.
  Keaton Walker :
So now, let's go check out   his sales page and see what we think.

Looks like 
he's got tons of reviews here. Modules here, one,   your game plan, structuring your empire. Two, 
finding out buyers, who's got the money and how to   find them? Module three, traffic legion, the meat 
and potatoes. Module four, make more, spend less,   the value of proposition. Module five, automation 
templates. Module six, the products. Module seven,   building a long-term business. Module 
eight, creating a team. So your business   runs on complete autopilot.
Keaton Walker :
  It seems like a great methodology here. 
I honestly really trust Spencer. He seems   very genuine and the content I've seen from him, 
it's really great. The guy's made so much money,   affiliate marketing with some awesome products 
and stuff that he actually believes in.   And best of all, he lives life on his terms. 
I really don't see him selling his soul for   an affiliate product or selling a course.

So I'm 
sure that his paid content is just phenomenal.
  Keaton Walker :
It looks like Spencer also has some   bonuses here. Bonus #1 is two finished white label 
courses. This is really cool. This is like giving   away free lead magnets, which is really cool. 
Five profitable funnels, this is really cool.   Copy and paste over 50 pre-written emails, also 
cool. And then, last one is rockin' cool hammock.   So I guess, he's going to send you a hammock, 
which is really cool. It looks like all of this   stuff is included in the price of the course. 
Honestly, a really great offer. It seems like he's   gotten some great reviews on the course as well. 
This seems like a really awesome course to buy   if you're looking into that recurring affiliate 
model, instead of just like Amazon Associates, or   something more to do with blogging.
Keaton Walker :
  Spencer's course, I would say is probably the 
best if you're not really wanting to go down   the blogging route, you want to promote different 
softwares and other higher ticket products that   are going to make you a recurring income.
Keaton Walker :
  All right, number two is Launch Your Blog Biz 
by Alex Nerney and Lauren McManus, also known   as Create and Go.

I know they have three courses 
and they actually have a course bundle where you   can get all of their courses for 647.
Keaton Walker :
  So let's check out that bundle here. So you can 
see here, they've got Launched Your Blog Biz,   Pinterest Traffic Avalanche and Six-Figure 
Blogger. So this being for the beginners. This one   for the advanced.

And this is more, I'm guessing, 
advanced traffic training that they don't cover   here or here for some reason. And if you want to 
get this bundle with everything in it, 647.
  Keaton Walker :
But for the purposes of this video,   we're just going to review Launch Your Blog Biz. 
So this is the ultimate solution for starting and   growing a blog to make over a $1,000 a month 
without being a tech wizard or a scammy sales   person. And here's what they cover in the 
course. First, they're going over how to   easily work WordPress and design a gorgeous blog. 
Secondly, how to create content people love. Next,   get tons of readers to your blog for free next, 
make your first income blogging. And then,   make money using ads, sponsored posts and 
guest posts.

Build an email list of raving   fans and so much more. But that seems to be the 
key teachings that they're putting in there.
  Keaton Walker :
And then as far as bonuses go for this course,   we've got bonus #1, affiliate programs and 
marketplaces round-up, $97 value. It's probably   just giving you a list of affiliate 
programs you could sign up for. Bonus #2,   email trust funnel templates, pretty cool. Bonus 
#3, community support group. I'm guessing this is   just a Facebook group. And then last one, lifetime 
access and updates, which is pretty much standard   for any course nowadays. So not really a bonus, 
but good job putting it on the sales page.
  Keaton Walker :
Overall, this seems   like a really good course if you want to get 
into affiliate marketing with blogging.

Again,   that course bundle seems to be a good value if 
you want to go from beginner to advanced.
  Keaton Walker :
All right, lastly, the moment you've all been   waiting for, we've got number one, The Affiliate 
Marketing Video Course by Matt Giovanisci,   which is 199. Matt owns, which is 
actually a subscription that you can get for $49   a month, which is an insane value. He's trying 
to push people this way, which is smart of him,   to get that recurring commission.

And all of 
his courses are much more expensive compared   with that $49 a month. He also mentioned to 
me when I talked to him about his course,   that he's planning on releasing a new version of 
The Affiliate Marketing Video Course this summer,   of 2021. So make sure you stay tuned for that.
Keaton Walker :
  Let's check out his methodology 
here on the page. So one, we've got   affiliate marketing fundamentals. Next, building 
an affiliate marketing website. Next, growing   your affiliate marketing website. After that, 
we've got building an online course in 30 days.   Bonus content, templates and spreadsheets, 
and becoming an affiliate of his course.
  Keaton Walker :
So it's really interesting   that he includes this module about building an 
online course in 30 days, which is another amazing   way to monetize a blog.

That's smart of him. One 
thing I will say about Matt, is I took his SEO for   bloggers course, and honestly, his stuff wasn't 
detailed enough for me. His videos are great,   but I think he has the curse of knowledge a little 
bit, which means that he knows so much, he doesn't   know how to help a beginner get started.
Keaton Walker :
  So this will probably be better for you if 
you're a complete beginner, even though it   says on the Q&A page here, that it's fine if 
you're a beginner. I'm a little bit skeptical   at this price point, that you can really afford 
to put everything into a course. And so, I'd   rather invest in a more expensive course that's 
really going to help me through everything, than   a cheap course that doesn't include everything 
and leaves me with a lot of questions.
  Keaton Walker :
All right. So there you have it.

Those are the top   five affiliate marketing courses on the market 
right now. According to you guys, there are a   couple honorable mention. The first one is going 
to be The Authority Site System by Mark Webster   and Gael Breton, it's 997. This made it on our 
honorable mentions list because this course,   from what I heard, is absolutely incredible. It 
just barely got listed on CourseRanks though.   And there aren't any reviews yet, as of the time 
of this video. I would just say that these guys   seem to be the most credible. The price point 
doesn't make me skeptical. And if you're going   for a blogging course, this might be your best 
option. Just make sure you look into it and talk   to somebody else who's taken the course.
Keaton Walker :
  And our second honorable mention is Savage 
Affiliates by Franklin Hatchett, which is 197,   or you can pay for the 397 version. This seems 
to be one of the category kings, just one of the   classics in the affiliate marketing space.

people have probably bought it at some point. At   197, it seems like a no-brainer.
Keaton Walker :
  All right, guys, with all that said, let's talk 
about some safe course buying reminders as you're   out there in the wild west of the internet 
marketing world. Just keep all of this in mind   as you're buying courses. Number one, remember 
why you're actually buying the course. Course   seller is not going to change your life, only 
you can do that. The information in the course   can help you with that. But if you're not 
taking action, you're just going to be poor   because you bought the course. What you need 
to get into your head, is that the real reason   you're buying a course is speed. So you can learn 
everything from someone who has already made all   the mistakes, instead of making them yourselves. 
Also, if the course has a community, that will   be a huge asset as well. And sometimes, it's well 
worth the price just because of the community.
  Keaton Walker :
Our second tip here for safe course buying is   to do some due diligence.

Look at the reviews on 
CourseRanks, ask around to see if you know anyone   who has taken the course, ask in Facebook groups, 
just ask them about it, and see what they have to   say about it. Then lastly, think for yourself. 
Examine the claims of the course seller before   you buy. If they're using unethical marketing, 
it's likely they will teach those methods as   well in their course.

So if you don't want to 
use unethical marketing, don't buy from someone   who's doing that. Make sure that you buy from a 
teacher that sits right with you, as a student.
  Keaton Walker :
All right, that's all,   guys. Please remember if you buy any of these 
courses to buy them from CourseRanks. Go to   CourseRanks itself, click through, that gives 
us a small affiliate commission, which helps us   run this site. We really, really appreciate 
it. And guys, if you've made it this far,   comment down below any questions you have. And 
have a blessed day, we will see you next time..

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