This Made Me $2,300 in a Month – Easiest Affiliate Marketing Strategy – Only 30mins a day Needed!

I want you to look at this simple post here this post is over here I was able to make thousands of dollars every month in affiliate marketing and I want to show you exactly how I did it when I come here to my clickbank account as you can see as an affiliate I'm just going to refresh my page here so you can see it's legit and click on affiliate you can see it's 2
323 in the sales account I want to show you exactly how I did it with 100 free traffic, I made this affiliate marketing salesmen with the work I did weeks and months ago and I want to walk you through and show you exactly how I did it this way if you want to make money affiliate marketing and you only have about 30 minutes up to one hour a day then make sure you watch this whole video because I'm going to walk you through the whole process step by step let's start here everyone here again from the smart money tactics channel and today I have a brilliant affiliate marketing strategy which you can do from anywhere in the
world and it will literally take you less than an hour a day and once you get really good at it, probably even less than 30 minutes a day and I'm going to show you exactly what I did , but before we get into this affiliate marketing strategy guys at the end of this video go into the description of this video and click on this link here to sign up for my giveaway once you click on this it will take you to a page that so looks like I'm giving 20 lucky winners 100 dollars each and I'll announce the winners at the beginning of the next month well and you can be one of the lucky winners once you log in to the comment section and just comment, I'm signed up I just signed up so for today's video I want to show you how you can possibly use digistore24 or even to make money with affiliate marketing if you don't have Clickbank guys you can sign up easy on digistore24 both a very good affiliate marketing networks where you can go to find many different products for the purposes of this video I'm going to show you how I use clickbank and the product I use clickbank on and how I did the work literally weeks and months ago and how I get this free traffic and you can do exactly the same if we come to Clickbank here guys all you have to do is come here and now click the market basically do it in a variety of different nature I obviously do it with affiliate marketing and I do a lot with earn money online, once you're there and you click once on the market you signed up, it takes you to a page that looks like this and here you have all your categories and this is where you have to choose one where you want to find a
product now if you come here and click on e-business and e-marketing what's going to happen is you're going to find a whole range of different types of products that you ' a few can promote things that you want to look out for guys if you scroll down and look at all these different products is good you want to look look and see if they have a
rebuild if it happens often payment good that's really important because you do the work once in a while you can get paid for months, that's one of the best things about passive income stuff, and if you make one sale that can lead to five or six sales and if you scroll down here there's a variety of different types of products the product i was promoting men is this here it's called the free traffic system i have also promoted it also on my youtube channel i have several clickbank accounts and i followed them separately after see exactly how much money i can earn with this strategy now when you come here guys and you click on this here it's going to show you what this offer looks like and when you come here it's basically this offer here and the good thing is people can sign up for a dollar and you can promote it also absolutely the other things you can do is if you come here and click on promote here you can very easily grab the attached ID so you come here and you copy the ID we're going to need this ID to promote this product is good, so if we close it guys from here, what we have to do is we have to look at this page here and we have to create a very simple type of landing page and the reason why we have it to do is so you can put it on the site I'm going to show you where you're going to get free traffic so it doesn't get taken down and that's exactly what I did and I'll show you real examples and exactly what I wrote, etc.

What you want to do from here guys want to come over to this website here called okay so if you're on canva you can use canva absolutely free there's a paid version and there's a free version and you can use the most here do absolutely free so what you want to do if you want to come over here on canva and you want to type biolink sites is good so you want to come along and you want to click on what it's going to do is it's going to allow you to have a very simple landing page include a link in it very simple landing page it's called a
bio site stuff and then you can share it and the best part of this is a lot of places don't recognize it as a form of link shortening or anything like that meaning that it's not removed and it wasn't removed from me and it's been months okay what you want to do now is you can very easily click on one of
these different types of landing pages if you want to call them here let's just click once here you click on it just come here and click on customize this template now once you've done that it's going to bring us to this page now from here you can see that you have all these other different types of samples that you can use summer pro but you can absolutely do it with the free if you want to click on that you can change it can scroll down and find it where we're going to adjust it make it look a little better so we can now it the product promote if you saw that we promote this here so you can see here you have all these different points Here we can use it when we come here we can use it very easily guys so let's say we wanted to change this image here so we can click on it or you can come here and click on pictures once you click on pictures it will bring you over come to a page that looks like this here and type in money as a press for example enter and you go to find all these different types of images now you can clearly find it pro and there's a lot of these different images guys totally free so I'm going to click on this here and I'm going to delete this one that's there and I'm going to replace it I'm going to basically recreating the one that I showed you at the beginning of this video we can move it over there okay and we can just put it there okay just to make it look a little bit like this now you can get rid of it is also a background image here by just removing that you can click click on money click on this money here and then what we're going to do is we're going to drag it like this and push it all the way down and as you can see right now it looks good this also if you come here elements you can very easily select these shapes as an example so we get rid of it but what you have here if I switch you should be able to find let me look with these different shapes type just shapes in here I'll show you exactly what I mean so you can be surrounded like a border and it's all free guys so if you come here here's the border you can see it's free okay we're going this move we're going to go over and over move the top we'll get rid of this circle okay what we're going to do is we're going to just create a border I'm just going to leave it now can we change it color to say red I think what I'm using now on one of my other things you can stretch it well so that's it will make it look a little better you can even come here and you can just put the border around here now , this is all going to make sense guys in a second and I'm going to show you exactly why we're doing it right so I'm just going to remove it out of the way for now so now what should we do guys we need to change it in this section can we even move or we can make it a little smaller if we have to so you can come you can double click on this and you can also change the font I'd like to use this horizon font here as you can see it's going to change it and I also like to use a black, I don't really like the green color well, and you can move on this very easily, and you can change it well and what we're going to do now is we're going to type something that resonates with the offer we what you can import is something like this start making money today and then now put the width like this again you can just stretch it okay we're going to remove this little okay little text here we're going to remove it okay we going to stretch it out here and you can move it up very easily like this if you grab these corners well and then move it well you can see that how is it going to look good and then you can center it which you can also like I said you can also increase this move this picture a little bit more on guys just to give yourself a little more so room and then you can just push it up here and then what you can do very easily is you're going to start it here change now if we come to this we're going to delete this one we're going to delete this as well because I'm just going to do it one or two just to show you exactly and then you can obviously make it look a lot better but I'm basically try to repeat what I showed you in the image so if you come here start earning money today with you can come here and type something like no traffic What you can do then very easily is if you double click on this okay you can come here and you can change it to say let's try 45 stuff so it's going to change it after that then you can double if you click on that you can go bald here and what else you can do is what you can come go here again and change it to also say horizon and then change the color is right so you can see it's starting to look like this money today without traffic then you can come here and whatever you can do guys you can just delete it and then now you can double click on this and then you can copy and then come down here ctrl v and then move it right so you No traffic here you can type something like no skills as an example and what you do is work your way all the way down so you put about three or four points well, so what you want, you have to do is you want to come here text and you want to get a heading here and once you get the heading that you want to scroll it up to here and then you can type something like click here very simple okay just click on it and type in click here okay and you want it nice and big people can see it now you can start scrolling it so make money today without traffic no skills no ads no i believe if we look at this here it says no skills for example no traffic no ads no create video so you can do exactly the same all you have to do is put it in there put from there what you want to do you can see he says clicky I'll show it you can add the link from the product to this and then how you're going to share it everything is good then you can add something here about how much money they can do it if we look at this product well make 128 dollars a day something so simple so again can just come here we can double click on that we can copy it and then just come here and paste it here and drag it up and you can change the color here too guys I'll show you exactly what I mean by that make 128 and then a day and then what we're going to do is we're going to click on that and we're going to change this color just come here and click on red now once you change the color as you can see it's going to look a lot different what you want to do now guys we need to put the link inside here where it clicks click here to do that is the first thing what you want to do is you want to come back here and copy the link for that product is good so you can copy over here that once you've copied what you want click here here where does it say click see these three little dots here here want you click on the three little dots and then click on this link here and now what you want paste what's in there and click to apply now that's done someone who clicks on that can go to the offer and from here you can very just drag it over here to make it stand out a little bit more or the other thing you can do if you I really wanted to think the last one I had you can just move it over
here guys because it will a pop fix a little bit more just to stand out now from here what you want to do guys you want to come here and you want to click to publish this as a website okay once you click publish as website like you can see right here click on the open website, this is what you're going to see now this is exactly what it's going to look like and if someone clicks here, so if they come here and click on it's going to happen, it's going to bring take it well with this product, so what you want to do now is you want to take this url here and that's what you're going to use it so you come here and copy that that's what you're going to use as a potential landing page as a possible type link shortening okay this is perfect because a lot is removed and it works very well and the website that we guys are going to use to earn this money with affiliate marketing is a core that I will walk you through and show you exactly what I was doing with the core okay quora is a site where you can come here guys and find questions for a whole bunch of different types of niches and the best part is you can post an answer here and the answer can include one of those offers let me u show me my stats
if you come here you can go to
quora and find my smart money tactics profile from last year here you can see my answers had over 92,000 views okay 6,300 votes on 587 shares and 211 comments and when you scroll down here guys you can see how many of these different types of answers I've put up here, let me show you a few that I've opened up and I'll show you an example of how to do this here for example 630 views i did it in march this year here is another one that got 463 and i did it in february this year also add that as you scroll down here you can see that i do have links on all these different posts and videos here is another one here guys that i did got 2200 views done back 2019 good and you can see it a lot this does have links in here guys and as you can see 287 views and i want you walk through and show you exactly how to do that and how to get here and add this is another link so if I click let me show you here if I click on this you can see that this is the one I showed at the beginning of the video and I want to show you how simple it is so the first thing you need to do if you're here on quora guys you need to find a question in the specific niche like if you look you can see all my answers here the question for this one is for example how do i earn 200 a day with an affiliate this is what it is marketing here the best way to earn money how do i start affiliate marketing without traffic etc.

and this one over as we scroll back to the top reviews what is the easiest way to earn money at home home legit so when you come to quora guys all you need to do is search these different types of questions are good, so when you come here you can type how do i make money with affiliate marketing stuff and the answers you're going to find guys you're going to find all these different types of answers or you can you know ask a question about different ways to make money online than good so you can easily get over here guys and you can click on this different types of questions you can scroll down and find that here you can see that I removed my answer for some reason
about this maybe it was old I not sure but this is just one of the examples eric has if you come here what is the best way to make money online with affiliate marketing you can click on these guys you can scroll down and you can find all these different people that answer these questions but the trick to this is to get your landing scroll here with your offer so if you get an answer if you find a find
ask here what you want to answer simply all you have to do is come here and click on to answer if you first click to answer you can generate your answer here now if you're wondering sure but alan i don't know anything about affiliate marketing or i don't know anything about how to make money online as an example you can very easily do for example come directly to google let's say the question is what is the easiest way to make money online come here guys and you can very easily click on all these different examples here and construct your own answer put five points 10 points you can see here that some of these have 40
different ways again if you click on them like one of these for example like this one you can scroll down and you can see it these people answer them and you can scroll down and find it and I bet you one of these while you scroll down is going to be an example about affiliate marketing you can print on demand here if you scroll back to here you can see that there are 11 ways shipping print on demand let's keep going here and when we get down here guys just scroll all the way down you'll more than likely find afil The marketing is big there we go so affiliate marketing so you would come here guys you would get all these great points you would grab these different types of answers rewrite them yourself and then very easy like I have here with this answer here I just clicked edit so I can show you that it was written in
February of in February 25th okay this year and if you scroll down you can see I did exactly the same here I link to my channel and then what I did here is after you write everything if the last one is affiliate marketing or if the first one it doesn't matter I came here and my opinion here and then down below I simply stated if you want to to learn how to do it for free traffic now click here and you will learn everything step by step now this is where I've embedded the link so if I were to come here and highlight it after entering it well I'm going to scrolling it up, I'm going to move it up here and I'm just going to get rid of this link, so if you scroll down here, you can see here now that it's just bare, it's fine no link there, basically everything what you need to do guys mark this scroll all the way up click this link and this is where you would paste the url of canva stuff so when you come here and click on that little landing page that we made so you come over here highlight it all so let's highlight the copy that pops right back over here guys and we're going to paste it in there and we're going to click on add that's how it added that's fine now stay there forever and then simply all you have to do is update it once you update the guys, or as soon as you post that that's exactly what's happening to look like it's going to stay here someone who click on it i means it has now been seen by 288 people this is one of the easiest ways you can make money with affiliate marketing but i want to give you a bonus tip okay this is one way to do it and many people like to do it absolutely free if you want to collect emails and you wanted to send via email sending you can do it very easily with a very similar strategy without using canva by using a
website called that is why this With the site you can actually create
very simple landing pages where you can answer these questions I do it very well and very simple guys if you click on the price here make it completely free until you reach 1000 subscribers but some people don't want to do anything where it involves money so you can do the very easy
method I just showed you with canva to earn money with affiliate marketing guys and the best part of this is all you have to do with canva guys continue the process to repeat and you will continue to earn much more money guys these statistics that I just showed you before are one hundred percent real and you can do everything exactly the same you have to answer one question a day spend 30 minutes a day that you can reuse that you can only create the post do it once and then you can run the risk submit the post again and again try again in your answers and provide a lot of value and you will be well on your way to making a lot of money with affiliate marketing so was one way to make money with affiliate marketing guys with no money no experience if you are in another brilliant way guys make sure you click now watch this video here to learn another brilliant way to make I see money with affiliate marketing you on the video now until next time you take care of yourselves and goodbye

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